405AR Series 1/16 DIN ON Delay Interval Economical Timer
The 405AE Series 1/16 DIN ON Delay Interval Economical Timer from Automatic Timing and Controls provides multi-function timing within a single device. On Delay / Interval Timing Modes: The 405E economical timer has two modes of operation, On Delay or Interval timing modes. The unit has a set SPDT output contacts rated for 5 amps resistive. When in ON-Delay Mode, the contacts transfer at time out. When in the interval Mode, the contacts transfer when power is applied and released at time out. Power Supply: All 405AE timers can be powered using 110 VAC or 24 vac/dc reducing inventory management of replacement units.1/16 DIN Housing: The 48mm (1/16 DIN) housing is compact and rated for P40 on the face plate. The 405AE is mounted in a 8-pin round socket.
Features:- ON Delay / Interval Mode of Operation
- 8 Timing Ranges
- 110 VAC, 24 VAC/DC Supply Voltage
- LED Status Indicator Power ON, Relay ON
- Compact Size
- Power Supply: 110vac & 24vac/dc
- 5A SPDT output contact rating
- UL Recognized, CE certified
- OEM equipment
- Packaging and plastics machinery and equipment
- Machine control
- Materials handling
- Conveyor control
- Motors and pumps
- Process industries
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